Ancian Guard (Automated Neural Cingulate Analysis) is a protection application built from a deep analysis of the brain activities of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, which is responsible for resolving conflicts within the human brain and which has been the subject of study in recent years , from DrawnID, a technology holding company with which we are associated. This study began the creation of a new generation of passwords and authentication that promises to change the way we identify ourselves in virtual operations. Ancian Guard is the first generation of this technology that will act on 5 pillars:(1) We protect your data and applications against unauthorized access with a strong and memorable password, an innovative password recovery system, and a movement tracker that identifies theft events with sudden removal of the device from the users hands, locking the device automatically .(2) With this advanced blocking feature, you will still be able to manage the places where you want convenience and that you believe to be safe, creating an automated block, through the Secure WiFi feature.(3) Furthermore, we offer, with a simple touch and in a transparent way, a system for consulting web links and installed applications that are reported on public and private websites, as well as in cybersecurity companies. (*)(4) We have also included a QRCODE reader to protect you from malicious links that have been distributed through QRCODE, links that are trying to impersonate well-known companies or that have been reported.(5) And finally, we work by connecting users with the latest trends and risks reported in the security market, bringing information to the palm of their hand.(*) - Service under approval. Follow new updates.